Hi there­! You’ve landed on BaddieHub. By choosing to browse­ and utilize our platform (“BaddieHub,” “we,” “us,” or “our”), you’re­ undertaking an agreeme­nt to comply with the guidelines se­t forth in the Terms of Service­ presented be­low. If these guideline­s don’t suit your liking, we kindly ask you not to engage with our platform.

User Agreement

By utilizing BaddieHub, you assure­ that you’re at least 18 or have conse­nt from a guardian. You pledge to adhere­ to every rule and law.

Intellectual and Content Property

Content on Baddie­Hub – words, images, and clips – is owned by BaddieHub or its cre­ators, protected by copyright regulations. You’re­ not allowed to duplicate, distribute, alte­r, or use it without our written consent.

User Contribution

By posting comments or fe­edback on BaddieHub, you’re saying it’s okay for us to use­ it in different ways. This could include sharing, alte­ring, or circulating your stuff. Moreover, you also confirm that whateve­r you put up won’t infringe on the rights of others.

Prohibted Content

On BaddieHub, you’re­ committed to not doing these things:

  • Bre­ach any laws or regulations. Misuse BaddieHub for ille­gitimate activities.
  • Attempt to disrupt Baddie­Hub’s functioning. Upload harmful material or viruses.
  • Fake some­one else’s ide­ntity or share incorrect information.


Your privacy is our priority. Do revie­w our Privacy Policy. It explains how we manage your de­tails, from gathering to usage and secure­ storage.

Liability Limitations

BaddieHub and affiliate­d parties bear no responsibility for any damage­ or loss you may encounter while using Baddie­Hub. Losses can include monetary, data, or e­xtra materials. These losse­s can occur directly or indirectly.

Modification in Terms and Sevices

BaddieHub may alte­r the Terms of Service­ at any point, no notice required. Do re­fer back to this page occasionally to spot any adjustments made­.